Hello Tokyo

So, I’m back, from what has been one of the best trips I have ever had. 

I took ten days off to do what I thought would be whirlwind tour in Japan, start in Tokyo, go to Kyoto, Mount Fuji area and a couple of random desitinations by train.

Needless to say it didnt work out that way! But that helped make for a great trip! A roller coaster ride from the day I arrived to the day I left. 

Having been back a month or so, what do I miss most…. the culture, the food, the people and the anonymity of such a vast city.

I flew into Narita Airport and had a couple of hotels booked for my stay from that point it was free fall into the one of the most engaging places I have ever been.

The majority of my stay was spent in Tokyo city itself, where to start? This is such a large city with so much to see, a month there is not enough. Factor into this that when night falls the city takes on a whole new character then you can quite easily spend months just wandering around, which I happily did. 

Every inch of Tokyo is being used for something

Every inch of Tokyo is being used for something

I can’t help but be won over by Tokyo at night. I’ve been back about a month now and I have almost 2000 images to work through to collate a series of prints for sale on the website and for a small exhibition of neon life.


Every corner that you turn at night leads down another interesting neon lit street


Living on the bleeding edge of technology

New tech to help a mobile and power free photography work flow. 

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How do you keep yourself motivated?

What motivates you in this throwaway 50 hour work week world?

Spinalonga, one way in, no way out. 

Spinalonga, one way in, no way out. 

Where do we go from here and how do we get there? This thought and my lack of creative motivation lately have been plaguing me for a while and I think I have an answer.

This has been a strange one for me and a bit of a revelation, I have decided that I actually like to write and I think it may become my new motivator, whether its sharing new ideas or old learnings I am aiming to write something at least twice a month. If anyone reads it great, if someone learns from it, even better and that’s what’s going to motivate me.

Most of the writing here will be photography related, whether its gear talk, shooting styles, workflow or any other aspect. There may also be some life observations, travel talk, rants and requests.

I’m not promising any earth shattering content and I’ll probably get more out of this than the reader but hey, as they say, whatever helps you get by.

Stay with me and enjoy, hopefully!


And off we go.......... 


A little smartphone wallpaper

Favourite shot from today makes a great phone wallpaper. You're welcome!  



Download and enjoy.  

Polphail Village

Took a drive up the west coast of Scotland last weekend to an area know mostly for the luxury resort of Portavadie Marina, but my main reason for the trip was to check out the remains of Polphail, it was but during the early 70's to provide accommodation for up to 500 workers at a nearby oil platform construction yard, but the yard never started production and so Polphail lay empty from the day it was built.

You can read more about the village  here. It's now in a far worse state than the photographs on Secret Scotland show, so if you're planning a visit go soon and be careful. I've put a couple of shots of the graffiti in the urban gallery and a shot of one of the accommodation blocks that give a flavour of how things look now.

On a plus side the Portavadie Marina nearby is a little luxury haven for the weary traveller, so you can go explore then treat yourself to lunch. With nice weather the scenery is hard to beat as well.

One of the many viewpoints on the road to Polphail